Why we need to raise funds
Lovey Foundation (UK) (hereafter abbreviated to “LFUK”) has an ambitious strategy to effect real change through educational access. To deliver this strategy, we need funds. In raising these funds, we will share our vision, our plan of work and our impact and will seek to engage as many supporters in the UK as possible.
We do not fundraise for the sake of fundraising; we fundraise to generate resources for our work and in pursuit of our charitable and strategic objectives.
What is our approach?
LFUK is committed to responsible fundraising practice. We are honest and behave with integrity in all our fundraising, ensuring we comply with our fundraising policy, and that this complies with UK regulation and legislation.
We will seek to generate income and donations from a diverse range of resources to ensure we maintain our sustainability, and do not become dependent on any single source of income.
Our fundraising needs to adapt to changes in the external world. We review our fundraising activity and constantly seek to improve it. We look for new opportunities to raise funds for our work, where these comply with our fundraising policy and principles.
We ensure that projects for which we raise funds reflect our mission and priorities, and that neither the funding opportunities we pursue, nor the requirements of funders, will deflect us from our strategic objectives.
We accept donations from a range of organisations – trusts, foundations, companies, commercial organisations and unions – where there will be a benefit to our work, without compromising our mission, independence and credibility.
We will not solicit or accept gifts from individuals, governments or organisations that might use their funding relationship with LFUK to deflect criticism from their own conduct or with whom association would significantly risk our reputation.
We will not allow any funding relationship with a government or organisation to constrain us from criticising that body.
Sizeable gifts and legacies from individuals will also be subject to screening prior to solicitation or acceptance. If we turn down a gift or offer of support, we will explain why. We can only accept donations which are lawfully made from money which has been lawfully acquired.
We will make reasonable and appropriate attempts to identify any individual or organisation that gives us financial support, particularly where significant sums are being donated, or the circumstances of the donation give rise to notable risk. We will not accept anonymous corporate donations. If a supporter makes themselves known to LFUK but wishes their gift to remain anonymous, we will honour these wishes, on the basis that the donation carries no significant reputational risk.
We put our supporters’ donations to work as quickly as we can and do this wisely and responsibly. We thank our supporters for their contributions in a timely and appropriate manner and we keep our supporters updated on the impact of their support.
We monitor our fundraising activities closely to ensure compliance with our fundraising policy, principles and procedures, and with relevant regulation and legislation. If we get things wrong, we will be open and transparent about our mistakes, and take swift action to fix them. We report on our strategic, operational and financial performance in full compliance with all UK laws and regulations.
We will never sell our supporters’ data, or share it outside of LFUK.
Our fundraising activity will always be legal, open, honest and respectful.
Gifts for specific projects
We encourage all supporters to give financial support as general, unrestricted funds. This allows us the freedom to use funds where and when they are needed most.
Occasionally we will ask our supporters to fund specific projects, campaigns or areas of work. We will use any donations raised in this way for the designated purpose for which they were provided. Should excess funds for such initiatives be collected, the supporter’s agreement will be sought for transferring the gift to other specific projects or our general activities.
When does this policy apply? As a trustee, volunteer or member of staff involved in any activity to raise funds for LFUK you must follow this policy. Fundraising activity includes all activities covered by the Code of Fundraising Practice
What are LFUK’s expectations?
All staff and volunteers involved with fundraising are expected to comply with the Code of Fundraising Practice. The Code of Practice may be amended from time to time.
As fundraisers you must also maintain accurate financial records, to allow for transparency, continuity and succession planning.
How is this policy shared?
This policy is a public document and such is available on LFUK’s website to supporters and potential supporters. LFUK will share this policy with all trustees, staff, and volunteers.
What should I do if someone has a complaint about fundraising?
It’s our aim that everyone who donates to LFUK has a positive experience. But we understand that sometimes this may not happen and supporters may not be happy with their experience. If this happens you should report any complaints to the Chair of LFUK via email We will acknowledge a complaint about any aspect of our fundraising within five working days and aim to resolve complaints within ten working days of receipt. If this does not resolve the issue the complainant may take their complaint to the Fundraising Regulator.
Policy name: LFUK Fundraising Policy V1
Author: Daniel Valentine
Approved by / date: Executive Committee of LFUK on 30 May 2023
Frequency of review: Every 2 year